Original Gravity: 1.0851 Final Gravity: 1.0213 Alcohol by Volume: 8.363%
This lager has a strong malt sweetness caramel notes in the nose and rich caramel on the pallet. The hops are mostly there for a little bit of balance. The rich sweetness hides this very strong alcohol content and gives the beer a nutty note. As in most beers that are this big so some aging is recommended to let the flavor merge. Fashioned after Paulener Salvatore.
6.6 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
1/2 lb. Munich Dark Grain (cracked)
1/4 lb. Chocolate Grain (cracked)
1 lb. German Dark Crystal (cracked)
3.3 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
1 lb. Light Dry Malt Extract
2 oz. Hallertauer Hops
1 pkg. Wyeast Liquid Yeast - White Labs WLP820 Oktoberfest Lager Yeast Next Generation
4 oz. Crown Caps (approx. 55 caps)
5 oz. Priming Sugar (approx. 3/4 cup)
Place grains into 1 gallon of cold water. Heat to 160oF. Remove from heat. Cover and allow to sit for 60 minutes. Sparge with 1 gallon of 170oF water and return the liquid to brew pot. Add 6.6 lbs. Glod Malt Extract and 2 oz. hops. Return the pot to heat and boil form 50 minutes. Remove from heat and add 3.3 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract and 1 lb. Dry Malt Extract. Return pot to heat and boil for 10 minutes. Strain into 3 gallons cold water and pitch yeast when cooled to 80oF or below.
Yields 5 gallons.
Lagering Instructions:
Ferment four days at 58oF
Drop temperature to 48oF for 10 days
Rack and continue at 48oF for 25 days
Drop temperature to 35oF and let sit 7 days