Original Gravity: 1.0857 Final Gravity: 1.0214 Alcohol by Volume: 8.419%
This high alcohol drink has lots of dark roasted malts and high levels of hopping to balance. Think of it as the barley wine of stouts. As in most beers that are this big some aging is recommended to let the flavor merge. The extract version could be slightly sweeter. Who could tell with the intensity of this full bodied full flavored beer?
6.6 lbs Gold Malt Extract
3.3 lbs Gold Malt Extract
1/2 lb. Choclolate Malt
1 lb. British Crystal Malt
3/4 lb. Black Patent Grain
1 lb. Roasted Grain
2 oz. Northern Brewer Hops
1 1/2 oz. Kent Goldings Hops
1 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker Hops
1/2 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker Hops
1 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker Hops
1 pkg. White Labs WLP004 Irish Ale Yeast Next Generation
4 oz. Crown Caps (approx. 55 caps)
5 oz. Priming Sugar (approx. 3/4 cup)
Raise 1 gal. water to 160oF then add all cracked grains. Stabilize grains at 155oF to 158oF for 30 to 45 min. Sparge with 170oF water. Add extract to this wort. Boil the wort for 1 hour adding 2 oz. of Northern Brewer at the beginning of the boil Kent Goldings 30 minutes into the boil and 1 oz. of Hallertauer Hersbrucker Hops at 40 minutes into the boil. Add 1/2 oz. of Hallertauer Hersbrucker Hops for the final two minutes and dry hop the final 1 oz. Pitch yeast when below 80oF. Ferment at 68oF - 70oF.
Yields 5 gallons.