India Pale Ale - Beer Recipe Kit

Starting at: $41.99

Original Gravity: 1.0567 Final Gravity: 1.0142 Alcohol by Volume: 5.567%

Love Bass? Then you'll love this. IPA's are even stronger than Pale Ales. This very popular IPA has hops dancing all over your tongue with the malts just there to balance the hop bitterness. There will be a strong aromatic hop presence as well.



6.6 lbs. Amber Liquid Malt Extract

1 lb. Crystal Grain (cracked)

1/2 lb. Victory Grain (cracked)

1/4 lb. Munich Grain (cracked)

2. oz. Northern Brewer Hops

1 oz. Fuggles Hops

1 tsp. Gypsum

Pinch of table salt (Not included in recipe)

1 pkg. Lallemand Verdant IPA Yeast

4 oz. Crown Caps (approx. 55 caps)

5 oz. Priming Sugar (approx. 3/4 cup)




Dissolve gypsum & salt in 1 gal. water which will be used for mash. Mash all grains at 160oF for 60 min. Sparge with one gal. water at 170oF to make 2 gal. Add malt & 2 oz. NB Hops. Boil for 60 min. Add final 1 oz. Fuggles Hops after boil has stopped. Let steep for 5 min. Strain into fermenter filled with 3 gal. ice cold water. Pitch yeast when cooled to 80oF or lower.

Yields 5 gal.

Try using gold malt extract when brewing this beer for summer drinking.

  Click here to order Ice pack(s) to ship with this yeast.

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