Original Gravity: 1.0490 Final Gravity: 1.0122 Alcohol by Volume: 4.813%
A Gluten Free Light golden in color mildly hopped light in flavored beer.
6.6 lbs. Sorghum Liquid Extract
1/2 lbs. Honey (excluded from pricing) (See choices below.)
1 1 1/2 oz. Tettnanger Hops (pellets)
1 pkg. Nottingham Ale Dry Yeast
4 oz. Crown Caps (approx. 55 caps)
5 oz. Priming Sugar (approx. 3/4 cup)
Heat 2 gallons of water to a boil, Remover from heat and add 6.6 lbs. Sorghum Extract & Tettnanger hops. Stirr until dissolved. Return to heat & boil for 60 min. Add honey stir. Transfer to fermenter and add enough ice cold water to make 5 gal. Pitch yeast when 80oF or below.
Yields 5 gal.