There are two ways for beginners to start brewing:
The first is All Extract.
This is when you plan on brewing the simplest way. It's easy and you need less equipment. You will most likely be using the canned beer extract kits. In the canned beer extract kits, the manufacture will have already added the extra grains and hops to the extract to make the style or color of beer on the label. They will call for the addition of extract or brewers sugar (also know as corn sugar or dextrose) to complete the recipe. It's fun, quick, and makes a quality beer, However, you have limited input on the recipe. It is a good choice for those who wish to start brewing the quick and easy way. It is also a good choice as a gift if you are not sure about the recipients level of interest. (if they get excited, they can get upgrades themselves or in future gifts)
Have a look at these instructions for "All Extract" Brewing
If that's the way you want to start, then you will want the Basic Starter Kit.
Choose from a list of our premium canned hopped extract beer kits. Each is already hopped and formulated to produce your favorite classic style of beer and includes a yeast package.
The second is Partial Mash.
This is when only part of your beer is made from extract. The extract used in these recipes can be hopped or un-hopped and usually has a base color type. (Light or Amber etc.) To achieve the desired style of beer fresh grains of different types are processed and added to the base made by the extract. The resulting base liquid (wort) is then boiled for an hour adding specific hops in certain amounts at different times to add additional flavors and aromas.
Partial mash recipes will often call for specific strains of yeast that are available in live cultures in order to match the beer desired. Of course this is a little more work and takes more time as well as equipment. However, the brewer and his skill can have a direct effect on the flavor and quality of the beer by adding, subtracting and changing the ingredients. This level is a good beginner level for the beer enthusiast who someday will wish to have more control than the Extract Kits will allow.
Brewers that start with this type of equipment will typically start off with Extract Kits to get the feel for the process, but, very quickly graduate to partial mash recipes.
After reading the instructions, you will see that it really is not that difficult even for a first timer. It just takes a little more time and a couple of extra steps. These equipment kits also come with the legendary "Joy of Homebrewing" book that gives the user a resource of knowledge of the use of ingredients and how they effect the beer. The book has a lot of recipes too!
Have a look at our directions for "Partial Mash" Brewing
If you would like to be able to brew using these Partial Mash instructions, you will want the Deluxe or Ultimate Starter Kit.
Choose from a list of our premium canned hopped extract beer kits. Each is already hopped and formulated to produce your favorite classic style of beer and includes a yeast package. We add to this some grains and some hops because you will have the equipment to process them. It will increase the quality of the extract beer kits. You can also choose from Heart's award winning partial mash recipes involving fresh grains and hops along with extract. They generally produce a much better quality product than canned malt kits.

Easy Partial Mash. (same idea...just easier)
Have a look at our other directions for "Partial Mash" Brewing.
(These apply to the Ultimate Kit.)
If you want to make things smoother and easier, then you will want the Ultimate Starter Kit
The Ultimate Kit performs the same function as the Deluxe, only it has all the whistles and bells that make brewing easy. These upgraded and additional pieces of equipment save time, steps, effort, and clean up, all while increasing your ability to make better beer.
Choose from Heart's award winning partial mash recipes involving fresh grains and hops along with extract. They generally produce a much better quality product than canned malt kits.