Brewers Best 1 Gallon Beer Kits

Pre-Packaged One Gallon Recipe Kits!

We store them cold in our walk-in cooler to maintain the freshest quality you can buy anywhere!


Product Image Model+ Item Name Price
Brewers Best Pale Ale (one gallon recipe package) BBK01

Brewers Best Pale Ale (one gallon recipe package)

Perhaps the most widely brewed American style ale. Moderately strong hop aroma and bitterness. Pale ale malt base provides deep gold, almost amber,...

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Brewers Best IPA (one gallon recipe package) BBK02

Brewers Best IPA (one gallon recipe package)

We use plenty of hops to accent this popular style. From the bittering to the flavoring to the aroma hops, we created the perfect balance for this...

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Brewers Best Hazy IPA (one gallon recipe package) BBK02H

Brewers Best Hazy IPA (one gallon recipe package)

Hazy IPA This juicy brew is packed with citrus and tropical hop aromas. The golden haze is well balanced with a smooth mouth-feel and refreshing...

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Brewers Best American Red Ale (one gallon recipe package) BBK03

Brewers Best American Red Ale (one gallon recipe package)

A medium-light bodied ale with a deep red hue. Our American Red Ale is smooth and easy drinking. Low hop bitterness is balanced by sweet, pronounced...

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Brewers Best Choclate Stout (one gallon recipe package) BBK05

Brewers Best Choclate Stout (one gallon recipe package)

This full-bodied brew showcases a roasted aroma profile with a rich, chocolate flavor courtesy of the cacao nibs. Sweet Caramel and medium hop...

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Brewers Best Belgian Saison (one gallon recipe package) BBK06

Brewers Best Belgian Saison (one gallon recipe package)

A light bodied, effervescent ale with warm malty flavors and a slight orange hue from the steeping grains. The included Belgian style yeast strain...

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Brewers Best Belgian Triple (one gallon recipe package) BBK07

Brewers Best Belgian Triple (one gallon recipe package)

Our Tripel contains light candi sugar to create a high gravity beer that is golden in color with a creamy, white head. This kit has plenty of dried...

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Brewers Best Porter (one gallon recipe package) BBK10

Brewers Best Porter (one gallon recipe package)

A classic dark ale featuring chocolate specialty grains. A nice, hoppy character is balanced well against this roasty, full-bodied beer. ...

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Brewers Best American Wheat (one gallon recipe package) BBK13

Brewers Best American Wheat (one gallon recipe package)

  Wheat malt and select hops create the recipe for this easy-drinking summertime classic. Light-bodied with a smooth finish, our...

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Brewers Best Blackberry Tart Sour Ale (1 gallon recipe package) BBK14

Brewers Best Blackberry Tart Sour Ale (1 gallon recipe package)

This sour ale is the perfect blend of tart backberries and a light bodied ale.      

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