Original Gravity: 1.0567 Final Gravity: 1.0142 Alcohol by Volume: 5.567%
This popular IPA has it's roots in the British IPA Style. However it has citrus-like, piney or resinous character coming from American-variety hop used. Still, a very balanced beer; The American version often has more a robust overall hop bitterness compliment. There will be a strong citrus aromatic hop presence as well.
6.6 lbs. Amber Liquid Malt Extract
1 lb. Crystal Grain (cracked)
1/2 lb. Victory Grain (cracked)
1/4 lb. Munich Grain (cracked)
2. oz. Citra Hops
1 oz. Amerillo® Hops
1 pkg. Safale American Ale Yeast US-05 |
4 oz. Crown Caps (approx. 55 caps)
5 oz. Priming Sugar (approx. 3/4 cup)
Mash all grains in 1 gal. water at 160oF for 60 min. Sparge with one gal. water at 170oF to make 2 gal. Add malt & 2 oz. Citra Hops. Boil for 60 min. Add final 1 oz. Amerillo Hops after boil has stopped. Let steep for 5 min. Strain into fermenter filled with 3 gal. ice cold water. Pitch yeast when cooled to 80oF or lower.
Yields 5 gal.
Try using gold malt extract when brewing this beer for summer drinking.